
This excerpt reflects on something I've been thinking about almost every day of my life since I turned 18 and faced the idea of adult responsibility over money and material possessions. The transition to adulthood also carries with it the heavy burden of self maintenance, let alone enrichment, which usually falls behind our other commitments. Without further ado:


Being wealthy is a matter of perspective— I’ve come to know a kind of wealth that has nothing to do with a bank account or physical assets. If you understand this immaterial wealth as I have, you hopefully spend more and more of your time worrying about it’s presence in your life. By extension you will spend less time considering the importance of material wealth and letting it hold you back from helping others. Let me explain:

Due to environmental circumstances and self deception so many can not detach themselves from the bondage of anxiety over financial and material wealth. They will spend time wondering why they feel empty and incomplete; they seek happiness in the wrong places, in the idea that over the horizon you can have enough money or possessions to be happy and stable and at peace. I believe that the answer to our lack of peace is within our reach this very second. I honestly believe that it is also the simplest way to find happiness, comfort in sorrow, and an answer to the emptiness.

I believe, or sincerely hope, that everyone comes to understand the power of love: the fuel that drives the engine of humanity and by extension human progress. Without love we have instability and inefficiency. Love is the reason we bridge our differences to work together to rise twice as tall as any challenges we face. Love is the reason that, even though we have nothing to physically gain, we reach out our hand to help someone in need. Sometimes love is so powerful we put ourselves in mortal danger to help those in need.

Love has allowed humanity to persist in the face of war, disease, and near extinction. Yet, some still don’t work to seek and spread love in their environment to help the engine keep accelerating. 

Some people just need a little push in the right direction. For some people it might seem they’re so far from peace they need a savior. I think that heroes are just ordinary people. What everyone needs is to think about the ones they love, to wonder if they’ve shared that love with them recently enough. We have limited time to fill ourselves with this currency of the heart, this treasure which is surely more valuable than the riches any man, woman, family, or entire nation could ever accumulate. 

Hopefully by now it is clear the nature of the wealth I speak of. Spreading love inside and beyond our circle, including through selfless acts to support and protect others, is the key to the equation. Blessed by the limitless wealth of love, we find fulfillment and peace in good times and in bad. We can shelter ourselves in the knowledge that no matter what, we honorably and humbly strive to support those in need no matter what it costs us. The feeling associated with this idea is the answer to the emptiness that so many of us suffer. If you don’t believe it’s worth it to lend out your hand because of some selfish preservation of financial stability, I don’t blame you. I was once like you, and even if its silly I have faith that one day you will understand. If you don’t believe it’s worth it to lend out your hand to support others due to mental health concerns or other uncontrollable limitations, that’s another matter entirely and forgivable in all accounts. If you believe my assessment of the value in love's expression, you’ll come to know that true fulfillment and happiness comes only from selfless service in the effort of spreading love. I don't just mean going out and hugging people or saying "I love you", but any selfless act of kindness from smiling at a stranger to working at a homeless shelter. Whatever you can do, its enough. If you feel reserved about volunteering and spreading love, all I can say is that there is never a bad time to start. When you're ready, I'll be here.

I wrote this because no matter who you are, even if we’ve never met, I have love for you and hope the best for you. I want you to know that this love will always exist in the immaterial realm of dreams and ideas even when my physical presence fades. Even if we’ve fought or had differences or haven’t spoken in months or years (or ever), I hope that now or some day you can read these words and feel the sort of wealth I discuss. This wealth that the many downtrodden, or maybe even you, imagine will enable the liberation of emotional burdens. Except the wealth that will truly make this possible doesn’t depend on financial or environmental circumstances, or even the limits of self deception. It just depends on you. Not a metaphorical you— the reader: you.

If you read this and share this sentiment, surely it will inspire others. One by one, the network effect exponentially amplifies the power of love as it has since the beginning of human history. Our selfless deeds for others will have implications for those far and wide, little by little, lightening the burdens of many whom we may never meet. But you say: maybe we can’t help everyone, maybe our efforts won’t be enough for so many that suffer due to senseless violence, discrimination, or self destruction.


But maybe if we do our best, we will be able to make peace with our part in this chaotic world. Maybe our efforts will continue to help humanity rise against adversity in all forms, for even a small contribution is enough to get the ball rolling. Enough little pushes could, in theory, move a mountain. Maybe it's crazy, but I think that the power of service is something to believe in no matter where you come from. Why?

Because in humble service to others I have come to find an existential peace that is sought after by everyone I've ever known, as far as I'm aware.

To whom it may concern: I’m here to support, lend a hand, or be there to listen to you vent about anything, anytime. If I can support you, I will. No matter what it takes. I can’t help but live my life this way, even if it makes me a fool. If I am a fool then I am at least one blessed to feel no emptiness or sorrow in this time. Hopefully you now understand how I felt as I wrote this. If not, someday soon—

Take care of yourself.

Yours, truly—



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