

Becoming more than the person we are, consistently and concertedly, requires we cross the road of material desires and material suffering. There will always be material attachments; I seek not to renounce them but to view them from across a valley, at a distance. Only then will those considerations be secondary to what is truly important. Only from this perspective will I make peace with the depth of suffering that all can identify in the world.

“We”, or rather the perception of what we call consciousness, are immaterial. Ideas, dreams— immaterial. Love, hope— immaterial. For those who believe only in science, or simply for the many disenchanted by religion, why do we spend so much time shutting our senses to the immaterial if it contains such things? Because we have had difficulty in attempts at perceiving signals from the immaterial plane? Because there is hypocrisy in the way that some try and decipher and explain the immaterial? In the intangible space that holds our entire being— the collective spirit of humanity past and present, there is limitless joy. Almost all of suffering in life comes from loss, ignorance, and fear of the unknown— side effects of our imprisonment in the material condition. This suffering can be understood and tolerated in a profound way in an understanding of the detachment from the material condition. That we are present and tangible in this body, but our ideas, dreams, and very existence are equally present and felt, yet intangible and indestructible— eternal, and ever-pervasive.

So if we cannot lose that part of us which is immaterial and eternal, why do we spend so much time building only material attachments? Why do we spend so much time suffering for material desires? Certainly it is important to suffer, but there is an amount of suffering which is unnecessary and many if not most humans experience it. I believe a freedom from this unnecessary suffering is found in understanding the separation between the immaterial source of what “we” are and the material source of our physical presence. And further, there are these mysterious, intangible driving forces behind all of human development: from the advent of morality to the foundations of religion, from the construction of societal standards to the understanding of quantum physics. Whether you believe in god, science, or nothing at all— our ability to articulate what our understandings of god, science, or nothing at all mean to us has an immaterial source. Nearly everything we are able to know, understand, and articulate is connected with this intangible realm. Why don’t we spend more of our time understanding the strings which bind us to an immaterial instrument with a universal scale? 

Or maybe in more compelling words:

Why don’t you?

There is great beauty to recognize how each string is plucked to a different frequency by the forces beyond our perception, all as a part of the creation of these captivating rhythms and patterns in the progression of life’s symphony. I only wish for you to take some fraction of the perspective I have, for there is nothing but color in a world full of music played from the source of everything that makes us who we are, everything that defines what is magical and joyful in this world full of suffering: the immateria.

With love,


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